Now when i heard about this movie, i was like “Who’s the wise guy that thought of something like this?”. anyway the movie Wall Street talks about a Young man name Moore (LaBEOUF) who’s goal was to work as a broker, in an Energy department. Now Moore’s mentor and friend who helped him became who he was, committed suicide due to a short fall that was about to take place in his company “Zabel & keller”, Now this resulted from a rumor which was spread by a rival company. who’s sole aim is to bring down it’s competition. In its effort in achieving that, the Owner of Zabel & keller (“Lou”) was placed in a position for other investors to buy out his company at a very low rate, which was what he built from scratch, seeing that there was no hope for his company to recuperate, Lou killed himself by jumping into an oncoming train. Moore hearing this, gave his sole devotion to bring down the man who was responsible for killing Lou. that’s were he met Mr. Gecko (“Douglas”) who was also a broker before he was sent to prison, and Moore got his attention because he was engaged to Gecko’s Daughter. Gecko had some issues with his daughter so they were not in good terms, using Moore as means to an end, Gecko lured him to persuade his daughter to release a fund which he placed on her before he was sent to prison. After getting the fund of amount $100 million, he ran off and started his own company and quite made it, that’s when Moore showed him that his daughter is pregnant for him which meant that Gecko was to be a Grandfather. hearing this his thought drifted to many things. Moore finally got some stories and facts about the man that was responsible for Lou’s death, that’s when things turned around and Gecko released some of the funds he took from his daughter into a research laboratory Moore’s scientist friends were working on in a University.
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About sarah
Contributing to the information World makes it easier for others to have knowledge about other information's. My ideas and knowledge on the Internet and in Computer Science, has brought me a step closer to having logical understanding of things and i feel knowledge is power and with that anyone can become somebody special. Learning is a step to perfection, i'll try my best to make sure i represent that part of the information everyone seeks...
What a boring movie…lol
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!