Initial when i started programming, the first language i had to learn was HTML, i found it so difficult that i had to stop then try again. never-the-less i love graphical designs and web development
so i didn’t give up. instead i just tried harder and it did work later on because i got the hang of it. the thing about programming is not what you can do now but how well do you understand what those lines of code can do for you. when programming it’s always necessary that you understand what a particular syntax does before you can know how it’s implemented. always remember as well that all programming languages used today both on the web and on local computers, have similar attributes, some functions are the same, so you can imagine constructing the same thing but in another language. take for instance, in php – to output statements, you use the word “echo or print” followed by a semi-colon after it; meanwhile in java-script to output statements, you use the word “document.write” followed by a semi-colon after it. these two different languages although different but after each declared statement they both have a semi-colon. this is just one of many similarities that programming languages have and if only you can take a while to understand just a few of them, there’s no limit to your knowledge.