Naughty Dogs have done it again, they’ve actually gotten a game perfect it, perfect it again and while at it, still want to perfect it. Why? The Graphics on this games is so cool, well am not gonna talk about the graphics because am using the PlayStation 3 Console and from the looks of it from that view point, the graphics are great added that I have an LCD Full HDTV – added advantage. Anyway i got to Play this game a week plus after it was released, am a pretty much a game fan but am somewhat a console fanatic, i love the PS3 system, so i won’t buy any game that’s not on the PS3 system, but that doesn’t mean i can’t play the game. Hope you get my drift? The game started off by Drake and Sullivan walking into a Pub in the street of London, seriously why London, anyway they got into a fight and thus begins the tale. This time Drake is out looking for Francis Drake’s Journey that took him to the Middle east, in search of what became known to be a hallucinating water, if anyone drinks of it, then their minds becomes vague and they start imaging things. The villains plot was to route the entire water out of the well where it was gotten from and use it as a kind of weapon. Drake with his goody two shoes embarks on the mission not knowing fully well of what he’s after but on the contrary it doesn’t look good if the worst happens. Nice plots and story line in the game. The new feature i love about the game is the “Snatch and Grab” weapon tactics, whereby Drake either hits you with his weapon and takes the enemy’s weapon or he hits the enemy with his fist and grabs the weapon in slow time – just lovely. It has a total of about 24 chapters if i remember correctly; i ended it on hard mode in about 3 days – I don’t play it every time I’ve got other things to do like Have a Life.LOL, One thing about the game i noticed, is that Elena looks somehow different from before compared to parts 1 & 2, don’t know if the creators actually did something to her but she’s totally off.Anyway it was fun playing it all those day because i just love listening to the Movie Mode. it captivates me.I think this game would really sell as a movie as well because common its Nathan Drake, its the only archeological game that actually sells millions…So if you haven’t played it, go get it, its awesome. am done with mine but i just like having the copy just to play it over and over again, same with the part 1 & 2.
Being a Web Developer/Web Author, i had an idea to disseminate my knowledge in the field of web development to other people by opening this online free tutorials on programming languages, in so doing, to share ideas where applicable...As well as to share ideas in related area pertaining to information dissemination and media such as Movies, Music , and Games. as per these are the areas which i like the most and i think most people do like this area as well, so I'll try to make my explanation short but concise...