is actually the Hex color code for Transparency, so if you want any background to be transparent especially in Images, you can apply this there.Example of usage
In CSS, it might work depending on various factors such as computer type or browser type.
body {
color: black;
background-color: transparent;
Above some browsers doesn’t detect the transparent value, only if that didn’t work,
so you should do this instead.
body {
color: black;
background-color: #EDEDED;
The above actually gives you a transparent background only in images(esp dot png),
because i tried it and it worked but it also depends on your computer as well. but i
also tried this in CSS and for some it worked and others it did not, but mostly, you
can apply this on an image to get a transparent background. try it out.
For images simple just select the color for background and add the RGB color number which is R:237 , G:237 B:237 ; if the image program you’re using doesn’t have an input for Hex or RGB, you can input the number for Hue, Sat and Lum. (Hue:160, Sat:0 and Lum:223.)
Most Application wouldn’t even define this properly when using Hue, Sat and Lum, so the RGB is much more better to use.