The Treasures of Montezuma Blitz is a fine game play made for the PlayStation vita system, unlike Bejeweled which is a common matching crystal game, TOM Blitz gives you the style to destroy crystals and earn points with styles. It has levels for each plays that is made and 5 slots for more power points. Each slots consumes an amount of crystal points that you have earned from previous plays and uses that to magnify how you play in the next game. The Touch screen style of the PS Vita gives the game a nice touch of how most of this genre of games are to be played. It also comes with trophies, so you can use it to increase your trophy collection as well as, its a totally Free-to-Play game, other cost comes into play when you want to purchase some add ons for the game. Besides that, its an awesome game to have for all of you PS Vita owners.
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