Marvel has accomplished a major movie hit with the avengers movies.This movie is one of the highly rated movie of all time, spanning cinemas globally and having views reaching quarter of a billion in cinematic views. I had to wait for 2days in order to watch this movie, even after waiting that long still the entire cinema was booked, because everyone wanted to see who the avengers was. OK now a little background on the Avenger, prior to their meeting, Marvel has brought out movie in lure to this major movie the Avengers. Iron man being a major role player in the movie is sort to team up with Thor – who’s a thunder god, Dr. Banner(The Hulk) – who changes to a raging green monster once he’s angry, Captain American(Steve) – who’s a symbolic soldier in WW2 that was an experimental test of creating super soldiers, Hawk-eye – an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, black widow – a S.H.I.E.L.D spy and the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D Nick fury. Now fury had an idea prior to when earth was invaded by Loki, Thor’s half brother, who seeks to destroy half of earth and make the people worship him. He plans were foiled when fury united these heroes together in order to defeat Loki’s army who sort to destroy earth and retrieve a mystical object known as the “CUBE”. As the story always end, earth was saved by a group of heroes which even the Government wants to dismember because they feel a group of individuals should not have such power. That if they go rogue, they can end up destroying everything or rather civilization as we know it. The movie has an excellent plot, scenes, story line. this is just a must see movie, rated number 1 in my favorite list and I think in most people’s favorite list as well.
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