“[Sony], you think they’d be sacred about the origin story and all of that, but they were encouraging us to make it different from those [games] and if that means going in dramatic shifts, they were cool of it. And they’re involved,” said Melton.
The writing duo were also asked about how God of War will differentiate itself from other films based on Greek/Roman mythology, like Clash of the Titans and Immortals.
“Those movies can inform the God of War to step in a more bold direction,” said Dunstan. “Not to join those ranks, but to stand head and shoulders apart like other reinventions have done within that genre. The satisfying element is to look at those movies as a commentary on the genre and now say something different.”
Melton and Dunstan previously told IGN that the film would attempt to ground Kratos and make him more human.
“In the same way that Batman was grounded with Christopher Nolan’s rendition, we were attempting to do that with Kratos so that when we meet him, we’re seeing him before he became the Ghost of Sparta, when he was just a Spartan warrior and he had family and kids,” said Dunstan.
“We’re going to learn about him and understand how he operates. So it’s potentially 30 minutes — give or take — of building up this character so that, when he does turn and becomes the Ghost of Sparta, we understand him as a human and we understand the journey that he’s going to take. We’re emotionally invested, so that it could go beyond just this one movie,” Melton added.
God of war currently has no director or release window.
[Via Industry Gamers]