Right about now, everyone should be tired of watching all these Zombie Movies, but i guess Old things die Hard. I watched this movie at the cinema, and i could predict exactly what they were gonna say and what was even gonna happen. This is how bad Resident Evil has gone. At first the whole Zombie killing thing was awesome but now, it kinda getting lame, then next thing on the list is Vampire – so i should recommend True Blood if i wasn’t bored of that already. Resident Evil Retribution takes on an epic tale of the sides we didn’t foresee. You remember the Red Queen from Resident Evil 1 Movie, and the same Red Queen in Resident Evil 3 Movie. Now compare both characters would you ever think an A.I would be capable of turning out to be the one who would extinct all living things on Earth? my answer to that question is why wouldn’t they shut her down and how in the Hell did an A.I with no physical entity be able to program itself out of the Virtual environment. In technical terms, it may be hard to explain but in simple terms, probably she just influenced some doctor to build one clone then she programmed the clone to do her bidding. In the end, it still didn’t explain how with such technological advancement in cloning, why wouldn’t the human race just clone enough human, to finish off the Zombies once and for all. And here’s me thinking Albert Wesker is the bad guy when he’s trying to save humanity. The whole story line got messed up in Resident Evil Afterlife and ever since then, it has just skipped off what we hardcore gamers has known it to be. one of the thing that puzzles me, is that they keep bringing in characters from RE1 to the fifth installment of the franchise movie which makes totally no sense. Never-the-less it’s an okay movie, not as much as i expected but still ok, but the stupid phrase kinda made it lame like the Red Queen saying “You’re all going to die down here“. When she said that in RE1, she meant to control the T-virus outbreak and nothing more.
Being a Web Developer/Web Author, i had an idea to disseminate my knowledge in the field of web development to other people by opening this online free tutorials on programming languages, in so doing, to share ideas where applicable...As well as to share ideas in related area pertaining to information dissemination and media such as Movies, Music , and Games. as per these are the areas which i like the most and i think most people do like this area as well, so I'll try to make my explanation short but concise...