I saw this trailer about 2 months back and pretty much it has an awesome graphics just to say.Later on with reviews I have read about it doesn’t seem to talk well about the game play. The whole thing on the web about RE: ORC is that, it doesn’t have that RE kinda feeling. you know the feeling you get the time you were playing RE 1 or 2. That’s the feeling we’re talking about here. The storyline is absolutely amazing, i did want to know what happened once the T-virus was released, definitely Umbrella did send a clean up crew to take care of their dirty work. The plot and scenery is also amazing, a situation were you get to fight zombies, other government agent, Raccoon city cops, S.T.A.R.S members, and Umbrella spec ops and other survivals at the same time.This should be a classic in the making for the RE series but the whole thing falls down to the game play, it has to be awesome as well…From video I watched on Youtube, the AI seems to have a slow response both the ones you’re suppose to kill and your team mates that back you up. Besides the person who brought out the idea of going in pair in Games this days is a genius…A freaking good genius, long gone are those days were one person has to shoot through an hundreds of Zombie enemies, having limited amount of ammo and still have to retain your health…The future of gaming keeps getting better.
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