You know through out this year of 2013, there are only two actors that we have seen their face in nearly 5 movies and its just July. can you name them? well its Bruce Willis and Dwayne Johnson. Now in Red 2, you can see all your favorite character that made you love the first movie. This story line is just phenomena because there’s a lot of action that just drags you along as the movie play. It bothers me to say this but with all these movies showing up, there’s a little truth in how governments secretly assassinates and how they can incarcerate someone for as long as they like. Now in Red 2, there’s this scientist that has found a red mercury that can cause the destruction of humanity as we know if he’s not stopped. Well you also have Catherine Zeta-Jones in the plot she looks gorgeous as ever and John is also here faking his own death again but at the end of the day. They must save the World. Nice movie, good concept and fun to watch.