It was with good news that the PS4 would cost $399 and its with wonderful pride I say “Screw you Microsoft”. I have never been a fan of the Xbox – no offense but on the contrary people seem to like it very much. Ever since the end of E3 2013, every forum i visit or people i talk with seem to talk bad about how Microsoft is going to lose it customers and eventually gamers for the Xbox. People online are now calling it with a pro-fain name such as “The Shit Box”. On the other hand even Nintendo made a come back with awesome Mario games even the Super Smash Bros game which i loved so much during the early year 2k when N64 was still rocking my TV Screens. PlayStation on the verge is enjoying their sweet victory in the gaming community and for once i think they deserve it because not only did they not do the stupid “Always Online thing”, they are encouraging small developers to make good games on a gaming platform which is the PS4 and PS Vita. This is a revolution which i think when Big corporations put better thought into what they are doing, they can achieve a lot more. For Microsoft, its not all about money because when you destroy something you’ve built, its hard to start all over.