Netflix’s Line up of Anime / Cartoon Shows

If you’re using Netflix, you might have not noticed these line up of amazing Anime / Cartoon Shows that are so beautifully made, you just have to watch it. The Story line and plots would make you want to see more of it. So far most of them are on their Season 1 except for BoJack Horseman which has a sensical and dramatic plot that just keeps your eyes pealed to the screen.

  1. BoJack Horseman – Starring a BoJack, which is a has-been Super Star in the 90’s and how he rambles through his forgotten fame but still wants people to love him because that’s what he craves. Our main character is a drunk, womaniser and uses all the curse word known to man to express himself but deep down, he’s loving and wants to help others the best way he knows.BoJack-Horseman
  2. The Dragon Prince – Set in a medieval time, it tells of a war between the humans and the Elves along side the cause of a Dragon’s egg that was supposedly destroyed. Our story tells the tale of two young prince and an elf which struggles to save this give to stop the long going war. The Dragon Prince
  3. Paradise PD – Have you seen the Police Academy, this is not a story about that but one about a boy who’s dream was to become a cop, but his father who’s a cop disapproves of it but with long standing commitment and perseverance, he makes it as one of the cops in Paradise PD. unknown to them apart from him that there’s a villain amongst them who is also a cop. Paradise PD
  4. Dragon Pilot – Forget everything you knew about Fighter jets because those planes have been disguised for a long time. Yes, they are actually dragons disguised as planes. I kid you not, this is what happens in this Animated series, but it also tells the tale of a young woman who sees a creature and cares for it to bring praise and admiration for her team. Dragon Pilot
  5. Last Hope – When you think the world wouldn’t have another disaster that might bring it to the brink of extinction. well, this scientist might have just invested a new form of energy that went along aside to evolve the entire animal and plant species on earth making them a mixed species between machine and living matter. But there’s a plan to save the earth and bring it to a normal way of life, using another tech that phases through multiple dimensions. Last Hope


About Charming Prince

Being a Web Developer/Web Author, i had an idea to disseminate my knowledge in the field of web development to other people by opening this online free tutorials on programming languages, in so doing, to share ideas where applicable...As well as to share ideas in related area pertaining to information dissemination and media such as Movies, Music , and Games. as per these are the areas which i like the most and i think most people do like this area as well, so I'll try to make my explanation short but concise...
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