Is PS-Vita Over Priced

PS Vita GTASometimes I ask myself, why do we buy things that most of the times we don’t actually need? Then it always hit me, we need them because it’s part of the way the system works.You can’t always have want you want but you can always have what you don’t want.PS-Vita as fancy as it seems, is just too costly to just swop in and buy it because it’s a SONY device.Believe me, I love SONY gadget but this is the only gaming device SONY has brought out that is way over the roof.Let’s take the trend over the years about PlayStation Products.
1995 – PlayStation one makes a savvy appearance, during this period, the graphics were like off the chart no-one really cared except that they played the games they always wanted and the cost of owning a PS1 at the moment was $299.

2000– PlayStation two enters the market with some awesome graphics, If I may say.I wanted a PS2 so badly but I never got the chance to own one because back then N64 was still around, so wasn’t into the SONY thing then.How much was it? around $350-$400.This was crazily over-priced but people loved it and they bought it.Don’t forget the graphics were off the chart and people didn’t really care much, they just wanted the games.

2005 – SONY released it’s first ever handheld Console, the PlayStation Portable A.K.A PSP. this console actually cost me $300 when I got it in 2006 almost some 10 months after it’s release there about,But the PSP was awesome, you could play PS2 like graphics on a handheld this was far better than what Nintendo was making so why not get it.

2006 – SONY bought out the PS3, having one of the best graphic seen so far, it was overly over-priced.When I heard words about PS3, the price was over $600.That was outrageous but People still got it.I figure out then that people just love getting devices that makes them Happy and it’s true.I’d do the same if i really love the device.

2010 – PSPgo came out, this is where the whole thing start.This 4th -Generation of the PSP family came out and could you believe this was more expensive than a PS3 console. I got a PS3 in 2009 for $400. and a PSPgo cost me $350 to own in 2010.The difference was just $50 and it gets worst.

2012 – PS Vita the second Handheld Console made by SONY comes out and it’s $400. well if you want a complete package which mean, a PS vita console and a 4GB memory stick.The lowest memory made for the device with the console would cost you around $400 to get it.Now compare the Timeline, PS3 going for $400 in 2009 and PS Vita going for $400 in 2012. forget about the camera, touch OLED screen or whatever.This console is freaking expensive and on top of that, they have very few games on it, if my hunch is correct not more than 50 games has been made for the PS-Vita.The games you might enjoy are backward-compatible games from PSP or PSN, besides this why would SONY make this console this costly without giving room for a much more greater function.If, and I mean “IF” the PS-Vita could run on Android, they would have had something going on for them right now.Am just saying this but it’s a possibility SONY could look into.The Future of Gaming has surpasses proprietorship and all those what not.If you’re to make it for the Fans, you’re to give the Gamers everything they need their games to be.

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