InFAMOUS debut on the PS4 console was one of the most exciting games, as you already know the Next Gen consoles seem to have fewer games, but the exciting news for more games are still yet to come. This is actually a DLC standalone content of the inFAMOUS Second Son series.
You get to play as a female character who actually loves her brother but the brother got mixed with the wrong crowd and now she must find the killer. unknowing to her at first, the killer is a someone that seems to want to help her but in turn is using her exploiting her powers.
You get special upgrades and power during the missions and if you want to boost your upgrade quick enough, they have off game challenges where you can test your limits for Alpha, Beta and Gamma challenges depending on the one that fits you the most. In all its an interesting game and cost less than $10 to get via PlayStation Network. So try it out sure you will love it.
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