How i love this series, unlike your typical Cop and Robber episodes, Hawaii five 0 is just plain real for me. The action, the feelings/emotions, the plots everything just gets me in the mood to want to watch more and I can’t wait for Season 4 to be out. Hawaii five 0 talks about a Young man Steve who’s father was murdered by a terrorist gang – let me put it that way. Anyway he comes back home to Hawaii only to find out that crime has increase significantly and his father being a cop, he decided to be one but the Governor commissioned a new division of the Hawaii Police Department (HPD) called Five-0. They are describe to be an elite fighting force with a special mandate to arrest and interrogate anybody within the Hawaii jurisdiction without the consent of the Governor. This special power gave Five-0 the ability to go after Top cats in the society and restore justice typically which HPD hands were tied to do so. The full team of Five-0 includes, Danny, Kono and Chin. These guys and girl assist Steve in his hunt for justice. Despite being an elite force, the team always go through trials at the end of every season and sometimes demands that one of them is always put in danger for the other team member to come to their aid. Season 3 had to be the best so far because there were many instances that would make you think that the team is going south but they recuperated and became even stronger. You have to watch this Series, you will definitely love it.
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About Charming Prince
Being a Web Developer/Web Author, i had an idea to disseminate my knowledge in the field of web development to other people by opening this online free tutorials on programming languages, in so doing, to share ideas where applicable...As well as to share ideas in related area pertaining to information dissemination and media such as Movies, Music , and Games. as per these are the areas which i like the most and i think most people do like this area as well, so I'll try to make my explanation short but concise...