Bringing another title to it’s arsenal on the PlayStation portable System, Sony Computer Entertainment has really given it’s Fan what they expect in the new story-line of the GOW Series. , him being a servant to the Gods, kratos must find ways and battle out evil nightmares that haunts him and finally get answer to the questions about his past. One of the latest Features i think i like the most will be his new weapons and mystical power, using the “Down Cross-button” on the PSP system, Kratos uses his Spartan Army Shield which in turn he can block and quickly counter enemies which uses long range attack. other features include the Grab and Swing Icon, which was used on the GOW 3 on the PS3 System. More epic battle scenes and off course knowing Kratos a lot of Blood will be spilled on his foes. Release date for this game is November 2, 2010 but you can download the demo using your PSN (PlayStation Network) id under the PlayStation Portable games, its available for download. Thanks to the team at “Ready at dawn Studio” we’re able to Play quite some few scenes in the games although the demo doesn’t depict the final version or any accurate part/scenes in the Real Game.
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I just played the demo, awesome controls…
I wonder were Kratos get his strength from!, because after the GOW I, Kratos was still a mere mortal…
good graphics, better than what ps2 got.