Advanced war fighting has gone deeper and this time, it’s even gone better.They say in war, a battle is won by honor, but that’s when you fight fair? In Ghost recon future soldier, fighting fair is not an option. You’ll use every and any arsenal in your possession to defeat the enemy at all cost. Who said shooting an unarmed man isn’t fair. it’s fair when he’s the leader of a Terrorist group bent on Worldwide destruction. I like the narration when you watch the clips, the guns, explosion and graphics is on a massive scale. Ghost recon future soldier unlike it’s predecessor is a modern day combat initiative that is more realistic in the events that are occurring in the World today. They Gameplay features many battle scene, stealth mission and front line, all attack combats. Your team is able to execute orders with precision. Your targets are not so lucky to be the enemy anytime. Using advanced weapons and state-of-the-art Intel and reconnaissance, the Ghost teams are able to infiltrate enemy territory, extract Intel and eliminate any and every threat. So back to the question which will you choose, fighting fair? or neutralizing the enemy with every and any means necessary. The choice is yours. You’re now a GHOST…
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