This has got to be on of the best movies so far, i can’t imagine how good this movie was when i watched it. OK we all know that billionaire play boy Bruce Wayne is Batman but who else knows this apart from Alfred his butler. Unknown to batman that a new breed of villains are coming to Gotham city. Bane is not your typical kind of villain in this sequel, he’s bad, mean and able to get the job done. He actually held an entire city hostage who in the World does that? Batman just like every other sequel we see, always have a dark side which he tries to hide and move away from but it always comes back to hunt him. you think you can run away from your fears, think again they will be there to hunt you and that’s what happened with batman, he was so scared that a villain like bane could come to Gotham city and do havoc that even him could not stop and that’s what killed him the most, knowing that he couldn’t be able to stop the bad guys. That’s what he thought but that’s not what people who believed in him thought. In the movie batman never showed up as a hero ever since Harvey died and the city declared him a Hero without knowing in full extent what he did to Commissioner Gordon’s son and how he died. So batman was out of the superhero gig for a while, it’s not until bane showed up in his city and started wrecking mayhem did batman put up his suit again to fight the evil that lurked in his city. I liked the entrance batman did when he first showed up in the movie, the scene where the cops were chasing bane, that part just killed me, it was a beautiful entrance that was so cool and well thought out. I have to applaud Christopher Nolan for his fantastic movie. he out did himself by making three fantastic batman movies. In all, the Dark Knight Rises is my favorite of the three and I want to watch it again because it’s a very good movie.
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