Daredevil The Series

Daredevil Netflix

When I heard the announcement of a new daredevil series, I was like No its not going to be nice. However when I finally watched it am telling a different tale.

The series talks about a young lawyer who fights crimes both by day as an honest law abiding citizen and by night as a masked vigilante known as the daredevil. It somehow ironic to see that a blindman fights crimes in a state of disability. You might think that at first but he’s not really blind in the way you and I thinks but sees even clearer and understands human anatomy and his physical environment better than you and I. Charlie Cox who plays our hero Murdoch whom has superhuman powers of sound and great agility due to his mentor who coached him during his earlier stages of  blind-ness our hero grows up to become a crime fighting badass who’s sole purpose is to save his city of Hell’s kitchen from villain such as the Kingpin.

Murdoch’s strength, friendship, love and trust will be put to the test against all odds but his ability to always be one step of his enemy might be a charm that might save him from destruction. Available on Netflix full episode got me wondering that Netflix does make amazing shows despite it being part of the MCU, because during the shows you are going to be hearing references of Thor, and iron man.


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Being a Web Developer/Web Author, i had an idea to disseminate my knowledge in the field of web development to other people by opening this online free tutorials on programming languages, in so doing, to share ideas where applicable...As well as to share ideas in related area pertaining to information dissemination and media such as Movies, Music , and Games. as per these are the areas which i like the most and i think most people do like this area as well, so I'll try to make my explanation short but concise...
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