
The way this Movie was hyped not only on Netflix but across the Movie broad, you would be like “Oh damn” this is the bomb or some sort of reference like that, however in this case some critics might say the movie was not that great or didn’t live to their expectations.

Netflix Bright

Netflix Bright

For some reasons which includes the graphics, story-line as well as the action, I did enjoy the movie albeit I only watched it once. Now you might be thinking, why would two police officers, one a rookie and the other a well experienced officer would actually collaborate to turn down a Magic Wand? To answer that question, Will Smith (scott ward) is a family man and nothing rings a bell to protecting his family which made him to decide that he needs the Magic Wand off his radar, if his family is to be safe. On the other hand Joel Edgerton (Nick Jakoby) is a man with Integrity, being the only Orc on the force wants to actually make a difference and he doesn’t need to be the reason why Orc’s in the future can’t be on the Police Force.

This battle ensues to a complicated issue between Street gangs, Magic Department of the FBI as well as Rogue Elf who seeks to reclaim the Magic Wand in order to resurrect the “Dark Lord”. This causes a enrage battle that runs the trail of the night and portrays a bond between two individuals of different races. I think one of the things to learn here would be how other’s perception of a different race affects one’s judgment towards an action. I love the movie and I think, if you haven’t watched it, you should it has great scenes and the story-line just makes sense.


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About Charming Prince

Being a Web Developer/Web Author, i had an idea to disseminate my knowledge in the field of web development to other people by opening this online free tutorials on programming languages, in so doing, to share ideas where applicable...As well as to share ideas in related area pertaining to information dissemination and media such as Movies, Music , and Games. as per these are the areas which i like the most and i think most people do like this area as well, so I'll try to make my explanation short but concise...
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