Last week Blackberry announced their buy off price of $4.7billion which was bid in by FairFax Financial. Now you could be asking yourself, what does it mean for all the Blackberry users that are out there? Let me explain some concept to you that i believe Blackberry has been blind on. If you have been using Blackberry, you would notice that even the president of the United States uses a Blackberry. This should tell you something, he doesn’t use an IPhone, he uses Blackberry, and if you have noticed this trend you should have also notice that most top 20 leaders worldwide uses blackberry smartphones. Wait please am getting to the point of all this, ever since Snowden squelled on the NSA, many people have been on the alert that their phones, emails and Internet connection is being monitored. True to that and it just gets worst, let’s continue, Blackberry is the last resort for privacy i say this because unlike most users, people don’t see the use of blackberry. How good is a phone if it’s not secure enough, if your contents that you have on your phone is being watched or can be watched by a third party. People don’t ask this questions because they are so busy playing with free apps and paid apps that they forgot that everything that they do on their computer and phone has been secretly stored somewhere in Server Farms. Now my worries is not about blackberry selling off their company but that they have been so blind in the past years to know exactly where their market lies. Your Market is in Africa, why not establish something there, yet you go to London and open new factories when people in london are crazy about IPhones and Samsung. Now if you have stepped into the shores of any african nation you will only notice one thing, and that’s Blackberry, these phones sell so well there that Blackberry themselves know that their biggest market is in Africa but were they wise enough to reach out to them? Instead they brought in Alicia keys to start a movement of Keep Moving with Blackberry when you don’t market your products well No one will buy them and thus you will fail. Am Sad for RIM a.k.a Blackberry because unlike other phones they do provide security of access and privacy. Which is the only thing the IPhone and Samsung lack currently. You think your phone is secure, well think again. Your mobile carrier is able to see every phone call, web pages, sms, email, files sent, files deleted just by reading the serials off your SIM card and with 3.5G wireless communication taking those data off your phone is like “stealing candy from a Baby”. If you want to remain in a World were your data is always protected i prefer you stick to a blackberry phone. They are the last stand for privacy.
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