Tag Archives: PlayStation

The Last of Us is a PS4 Title

The Last of Us

You might have probably seen the wasteland beautiful video from PlayStation and you might have said, wow this is an awesome video. Well am here to tell you that The Last of Us, could be a PS4 title game. Let’s look at my assumptions shall we? Read More

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The Last of Us: The Apocalypse

The Last of Us

As you might have watched so many movies and documentary about how the World would end, the Last of us presents that unique feature of how the world actually did end. Read More

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Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Hideo Kojima has made one of my favorite games on the PlayStation system which makes his games one of my favorite list of games which is the Metal Gear series. Read More

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Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs

I believe Ubisoft is a wonderful Game developers that knows what they are doing and from the get-go of this trailer last year, somehow i knew the graphics were too good to be a PS3 title. Read More

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Star Wars 1313

Star Wars 1313

Initially, I saw a trailer or rather a preview of the upcoming Star wars 1313, when I first saw this preview and from what the presenter was saying, I knew this would be a Next Gen. Game. Read More

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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Ubisoft were glad to announce their upcoming game title Assassin’s creed IV Black flag which basically takes place after Assassin’s creed 3. Now I like the way Ubisoft presents it’s story line, it flows naturally. although or rather i should say eventually, Assassin’s creed will reach a stage whereby the Assassin begins to carry suppressor guns. Read More

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Naughty Dog: We made stupid mistakes with the PS2 to PS3 move

Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog co-presidents Evan Wells and Christophe Balestra have revealed a little about the challenges the studio faced in the last Sony console transition, and explained how they hope to avoid the same mistakes this time around. Read More

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