Alien Covenant

I got extra hyped up when i began watching this movie, from the opening scenes to the ending, there is just one plot after the other that just makes goosebumps fill your entire body and you want to scream.

The Story invites a new explorer in a Space ship called the covenant searching for a new home world where they would begin colonization. Unfortunately there was a Space disturb probably an anomaly which caused their power generator to be broken. In their attempt to fix it they encounter a strange radio transmission coming from the Planet that is not so far from their current location.

Alien Covenant

Alien Covenant

Our Space crew, as enthusiastic as they are went to explore what this strange new World has to offer. Never-the-less they were in for a surprise. This was due to the fact that the planet which they landed on has already been destroy by David (the Android from Prometheus) using the Black goo he got from the Alien ship. He wiped out an entire civilization and sort over a 10 year period to biologically experience and evolve the alien species.

One by one our Space Explorer were killed and only to find out that David was the one responsible for the outbreak but it was too late. In desperate escape for their lives, David fought against Walter (which is an upgrade android version). Leaving behind the scene our space crew sort to escape unknowing to them that David has killed Walter and taken his place using the same scar and wounds which was very deceptive. The movie ended by David revealing to our Heroine that he’s indeed David and he was excited as he had so many Colonist embryo to test our his new and deadly creations on.

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About sarah

Contributing to the information World makes it easier for others to have knowledge about other information's. My ideas and knowledge on the Internet and in Computer Science, has brought me a step closer to having logical understanding of things and i feel knowledge is power and with that anyone can become somebody special. Learning is a step to perfection, i'll try my best to make sure i represent that part of the information everyone seeks...
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